"To understand the mind of a person, look not at what he already achieved, but what
he aspires to."
– Khalil Gibran
About Psychotherapy
Do you ever feel too defeated to deal with the weight of your problems? You’re not alone.
Unfortunately, the world can be an unforgiving place, where it is often expected for people to “just get over it.” This mindset can be damaging to those who are suffering, but luckily to their comfort, there is psychotherapy.
Psychotherapy is the use of psychological methods to overcome or mitigate unwanted thoughts, behaviors, compulsions, emotions and more.
Using psychotherapy, psychologists can help their clients work through various troublesome behaviors that ultimately lead them to a happier life filled with clarity.
Mental health disorders (such as depression, anxiety) and the stresses of everyday life (such as a job loss, relationship issues, death of a loved one) and more, can be alleviated by using psychotherapy.
The road to healing is paved with reconnecting the values of one’s existence, life, person and personal meaning. By using a structured and well developed psychotherapeutic approach, we help clients attain this clarity.
Here are the Four Motivating Fundamentals of Psychotherapy:
- Being here, and being able to simply exist: “I am here. Can I be?”
- Savouring Life, and feeling the value of Life: “I am here and I can be. But… do I like it?”
- Allowing ourselves to be ourselves: “I can be and I like it. But … Can I be myself?”
- Living a purpose driven life: “I can be. I like it and I can be myself. But ... Does it make sense? What is it good for?”
Why Choose Psychotherapy?
- Well-developed, structured psychotherapeutic approach to making sense of one’s life
- Can successfully treat major emotional and psychological distresses
- Aims to create a lasting behavioural and emotional change that is valuable for the person
- It is the catalyst for making better and more authentic future decisions
- Psychotherapy helps find personal meaning in any of life’s challenges
Depression is the feeling of extreme despondency and can manifest itself in several ways. Some of those ways include: feeling like there is not enough time to discover and experience what’s good in one’s life, or an unbearable disconnect with one’s personal experiences.
Making the most out of one’s life is one of the four fundamental motivations of psychotherapy. The process sees
answering questions such as:
- “I am here, I can be, but do I like it?”
- “With the challenges that I am facing, what is the meaning of my life?
- “Looking at the ways my life is unfolding, what is it that is good and worth living for in my life?”
- “Do I like my life?”
This process allows for a bigger personal perspective, and makes way for a more fulfilled life.
Understanding one’s own meaning is essential to living a fulfilled and happy life.
From a psychological perspective, happiness has generally been considered a by-product of living a responsible and
engaged life.
In these terms, addiction can be viewed as a response to meaninglessness and a lack of relationships in one’s life. Often times, it is an attempt to numb the feeling of emptiness.
The relationship between meaninglessness and substance abuse has a considerable impact on addiction as a whole. The phenomenological understanding of addiction provides us with specific elements needed in prevention and treatment.
A fulfilled life is a life lived with meaning; meaning can be attained through work, art, play, creation, attitude, our personal positioning and being in the moment.
Once we understand the specifics of the addictive behaviour and the relationship between meaninglessness and the addiction, we can help the person discover how to heal.
Anxiety and Stress
Psychology creates a safe space where we can reflect from different
perspectives on the theme of anxiety and stress: a theme that is so deeply existential and at the same time, so common
Through dialogue, psychotherapy can help you decipher the source of your stress, and what it will take to overcome it.
Space. Protection. Support
Can I be in this world? Do I feel prepared for it? How do I perceive
myself and the world around me? Are the essential conditions (space, protection, and support) for trust being met?
Domestic Relationships and Parenting.
“You are not a possession of your family. You do not own
your children.”
Raising a child is probably one of the most transformative experiences simply because the act of raising another person in this world relies on our values, creativity, and dedication.
Introducing structured routines for new parents, discussing the relationship between play and authority when it comes to parents with young children, and implementing the mindful parenting style for parents with teenagers are a few tools that can be developed during parenting counseling.
Family therapy systems also incorporate the idea of “family of origin” and “family of creation”; the importance of individuation and being reborn as a person of your own; Having roots and wings at the same time, and cutting the umbilical cord and breaking free from co-dependencies with the family of origin. These are all central themes for reflection, analysis, and self-discoveries.
Alternative Medicine and Psychotherapy in Vaughan and Woodbridge
your goal is to improve your overall health and wellness or to gain relief from a specific issue, at applemed
we’ll work with you to find the right balance of treatment.
Contact us today to schedule your appointment.

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